On VolunteerMatch, the VOW Foundation recruited a student group of volunteers from Dubai to create, design, and facilitate an educational game online. Education about synthetic drugs, addiction, mental health and overall wellness is the Mission of the VOW Foundation.

I worked with one student with the ideas and requirements for the game. This leader took the information to her group and carried out the project. The information along with research helped to bring the education to the community in a Peer to Peer setting. I believe youth learn quicker and easier from their peers.
VOW is open to partnering with any youth group, for volunteer credit if desired, to bring educational games to the community or to a school or group. From research to designing, facilitating to reviewing, there are a lot of skills that could be utilized and grown with this project. Please feel free to contact me at board@vow-foundation.org with ideas. VOW has accounts with Kahoot! and Jeopardy, but all online games are welcome.
Thank you for your interest in the Victor Orlando Woolson Foundation, Inc. and please send you thoughts and ideas, as well as comments. Discover many interviews and videos on the website!